Aklifré was founded with a rebellious spirit and a lofty objective:

To supply our customers all year around with the highest quality fruits,
vegetables and ingredients available at a great price, with no shopping and no hassle.

Every idea starts with a problem. Ours was simple: why the fruits and vegetables sold at supermarkets and other small retail stores tend to be tasteless and not as flavorful, and within a day or two, they overripen and start to show signs of rot.

Simply said, the majority of people do not buy fresh produce. Instead, they buy fruits and vegetables that have been harvested long before their time and kept in extremely low temperatures to preserve their freshness so they last the journey to the store. While they may not look old or rotten on the outside, the texture and the taste have been destroyed on the inside, not to mention the loss of nutrients and the high price the customer pays for such substandard quality.

We decided to shorten the supply chain, by cutting off the middlemen and buying direct from major suppliers / farms at the wholesale fresh produce market. This strategic move allowed us to cut costs, have direct access to fresh produce and establish strong contacts with major suppliers who keep us up-to-date on which crops are soon to be harvested.

Every night, at the wholesale fresh produce market, from midnight to dawn, our expert buyers are on the lookout for fresh and premium quality produce, one that is less than 4 days from harvest and free from damage and defects. They only buy the quantities needed to fulfill the day’s orders, leaving no leftovers and nothing to refrigerate.

Back in our facility, each piece is again hand inspected to make sure our quality standards are met. After the inspection, orders are professionally prepared, packed and before they are loaded in one of our refrigerated vans for same day delivery, we check every order for freshness, quality and accuracy.

Our rigorous daily process ensures our customers consistently experience fresh food at its finest.

Quality produce is handpicked from the source and is delivered to customers’ doorsteps at peak freshness, the same day. That is maximum value: No shopping, no hassle and no high prices. Just Enjoy!